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Wealthfluence & Brightlight:
Navigating Faith-Driven Investing Together

We're thrilled to share some exciting news with you: Wealthfluence, led by Rachel McDonough, is
now partnering with the award-winning investment research team from Brightlight, spearheaded by Tim Macready.


  • Rachel McDonough is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional and a Certified Kingdom Advisor® with over 20 years of experience helping generous, values-driven families manage wealth in a way that truly reflects their priorities. In 2009, she caught the vision for how important it is that we intentionally direct capital with love and made a bold decision to refocus her practice more narrowly on investing that demonstrates values alignment and positive impact.

    In 2015 she realized the best way to multiply her impact and redirect more capital in the right direction would be by consulting for other faith-driven advisors and asset managers...and Wealthfluence was launched. Rachel loves to equip other advisors with FDI expertise, great talking points to share with clients, and personal clarity to help them faithfully and effectively live out their callings.

    In addition to being a multi-year "5 Star Wealth Manager*," she is also a published author and frequent speaker on values-based investing. Rachel is a worship leader at her church, and loves her "other job" as a homeschooling mama of 3.


  • Tim's career has been focused on applying faith to investment portfolios.  He graduated from Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) with a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Studies, and then completed his Master of Divinity through the Australian College of Theology.  He is a Certified Investment Management Analyst  ® and has passed advice examinations in both Australia and the United States.

    Tim was previously Chief Investment Officer for a $1B+ pension fund in Australia, before working with others to launch Brightlight in Australia.  In 2022, Tim relocated to the United States and formed Brightlight Impact, an EverSource Wealth Advisors Team, to support the growing movement of investors seeking to align their faith and portfolio.  Tim's work in faith-driven and impact investing has gained global recognition, with his portfolios and research receiving awards both in Australia and globally.

The Value-Add

With Wealthfluence acting as the relationship manager, and Brighlight providing due diligence, analysis, and manager research, our clients get the best of both worlds: analytical excellence with personal coaching.

Rachel asks deep questions to understand the challenges, opportunities, and preferences of each advisor or team. She walks with them through the process and helps them think through how they will communicate about Faith-Based Investing with their clients and prospects.

Tim and his team are dedicated to keeping an up-to-date map of the Faith-Based Investing landscape, in both publicly traded securities and private impact investment opportunities, offering research and analysis capabilities on all faith-based strategies. Formerly only available to institutional investors, this unique partnership with Wealthfluence gives advisors access to their unparalleled expertise in portfolio construction from a faith-driven perspective.

Taking your preferences (allocation targets, active versus passive bias, values, etc.) and any firm-level limitations into account, we'll help you build custom models to meet your need, or simply give you ours to help you get started.

Our shared vision is simple: To combine Wealthfluence's strength in fostering relationships with advisors and Brightlight's dedication to investment research excellence. Together, we'll pave the way for faith-driven advisors to confidently offer values aligned portfolios to their clients, while fulfilling their fiduciary duty.

Schedule a consultation with Rachel and Tim today or sign up for our Getting Started package to access all of our resources right away.

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